Friday 14 July 2017

life and gardening

The rain returned yesterday, just after we had finished hedgecutting (one) weeding gravel (2) and lawnmowing (2).

Our own lawn had had the bowling green was glad of the rain!
This is a pre-rain photo.

Talking to our opticians, they have now been advised to only refer emergency cases to the hospital...sounds like they didn't plan ahead by looking at the population demographics ten years ago, so are a trifle snowed under. At least we still have shorter waiting lists than further south....and at least the Pirate was referred for his cataracts a month we just sit tight and wait...

Meanwhile he is still coughing after  his cold, worse than I's appointment in a week.....

Daughter is suffering the vagaries of the health service in Wales...just found that her appointment with the rheumatologist hadn't turned up. Because he had stopped coming to their local hospital a couple of months ago...luckily the orthopaedic consultant she was supposed to be seeing six months ago ( but the hospital cancelled that and sent her to another, wrong, consultant..) also does rheumatology....

Neither of us feel like drawing, but need I've suggested a drawing drawing "tennis" by email instead of balls on a court.....

watch this space...hopefully


Barbara Rogers said...

Ah gorgeous lawn! Good for you, drawing. Will we see some of your results?

Elderberry-Rob said...

Would love to see your drawings! Hope everyone is in better health soon.